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Assessing Building Performance - Wolfgang FE Preiser, Jacqueline Vischer

Assessing Building Performance - Wolfgang FE Preiser, Jacqueline Vischer

Redovna cijena 7,493.35 RSD
Redovna cijena 7,493.35 RSD Prodajna cijena 7,493.35 RSD
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Kratki opis: autor: Wolfgang FE Preiser, Jacqueline Vischer broj stranica: 256 godina izdanja: 2004. vrsta uveza: meki jezik: engleski
The building performance evaluation (BPE) framework emphasizes an evaluative stance throughout the six phases of the building delivery and life cycle: (1) strategic planning/needs analysis; (2) program review; (3) design review; (4) post-construction evaluation/review; (5) post-occupancy evaluation; and, (6) facilities management review/adaptive reuse.
The lessons learned from positive and negative building performance are fed into future building delivery cycles. The case studies illustrate how this basic methodology has been adapted to a range of cultural contexts, and indicates the positive results of building performance assessment in a wide range of situations.
"...this timely publication offers a collection of key methods and practical skills necessary to carry out building performance assessment." - MCEER Information Service News, March/April 2005
Book Description
An international perspective of assessing building performance.
From the Back Cover
Across the world there is a trend towards performance-based programming, design and management of facilities. Building professionals and facility managers are taking a more systematic approach to designing and monitoring building performance, aiming to keep down costs, reduce energy usage and making the best of building systems.
This book will introduce readers to methods of assessing building performance, illustrated with case studies from around the world. For the first time the key knowledge and skills necessary to carry out building performance assessment have been brought together in a single volume, in a book with an international perspective and relevant to a range of cultural contexts.
Based on years of collaboration by the International Building Performance Evaluation (IBPE) consortium, this book is the result of global networking that has permitted Consortium participants to exchange with and learn from each other to develop a truly international methodology of building performance assessment.

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