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Better Places to Work

Better Places to Work

Redovna cijena 4,306.76 RSD
Redovna cijena 4,306.76 RSD Prodajna cijena 4,306.76 RSD
Popust Rasprodano
Porez je uključen.
Kratki opis: autor: broj stranica: 56 godina izdanja: 2005 vrsta uveza: meki dimenzije knjige širina i visina: jezik: engleski

Better Places to Work is concerned with those elements of the design and development of workplaces that the planning system can influence. It explores issues around location, the public realm, architecture and linkages. It is based on the principle that well-designed, accessible and pleasant living and working environments are one of the key requirements for creating sustainable communities as set out in The Sustainable Communities Plan "Building for the Future".
The authors believe that it is important to get new development right, given the growth of the employment sector and that poor planning and design risk a return to some of the mistakes made in the past. Better Places to Work demonstrates that badly located and designed places of work are not only bad for the wider environment; they are also bad for business.
Evidence collated by and for CABE shows that well planned workplaces are good for business productivity and efficiency, good for recruitment, retention and employee satisfaction and good for the balance sheet - they are much more cost effective over the lifetime of the building
It focuses on ten exemplar developments from around England and uses case studies to offer guidance to all those involved in all stages of the development process. This includes designers and developers, local planning authorities, property agents and all those who occupy business premises.
As a challenge and inspiration to everybody within the development industry, this guide draws on lessons of success stories to show how the planning for our workplaces can be improved for the benefit of all involved.

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