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Featuring Steel

Featuring Steel

Redovna cijena 8,871.83 RSD
Redovna cijena 8,871.83 RSD Prodajna cijena 8,871.83 RSD
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Kratki opis: autor: Andrea Bruno, Michael Davies , Federico M. Mazzolani, Markus Feldmann, Gerard O'Sullivan, Francis Rambert, Alexander Reichel, Llwellyn van Wyk broj stranica: 224 godina izdanja: 2009 vrsta uveza: tvrdi dimenzije knjige širina i visina: jezik: engleski

Steel is a distinctly versatile building material whose powers lie in wide-span constructions in the field of civil engineering as well as façade surfacing or of high-rise houses. Steel is very trendy. This can be seen not only with the growing number of skyscrapers in Asia; the material is also increasingly used in surface design. This Publication about steel in construction is aimed at the promotion of steel as favoured construction and building material giving all necessary information to enable planners and decision makers to base their project conceptions and pre-design on steel solutions.

This new book edited by DETAIL with the support of ArcelorMittal contains all necessary information about steel: from architecture, explications of the physical basics and design rules over actual topics like sustainability, life cycle costs and refurbishment to finally steel products and processes. Furthermore, it presents 25 outstanding construction projects using steel including detailed drawings.
This book about steel in architecture is the result of a cooperation of the renowned German Publisher Detail (architectural reviews and architecture manuals) and the Innovation and Construction Development Team (ICD) of ArcelorMittal.

On 224 pages, “featuring steel” shows the various facets of a fascinating material which, today as in the past, is regarded as indispensable for particularly delicate, wide spanning or geometrically complex constructions. As a standard work it endeavours to take account of this very fact.

Internationally well-known authors convey their expertise and detailed knowledge in seven comprehensive chapters, starting with an essay that introduces readers to the theme, continuing with observations about economics and sustainability – aspects seen today as essential, an exhaustive explanation of steel’s fundamental properties and how it is used in construction, design parameters for new and existing fabric, as well as description of production processes and innovative steel products.

'Featuring steel' communicates to all planners, designers and decision-makers involved in the construction process the competence, arguments and facts that explain why opting for steel can mean real economic advantages –and why, with regards to this material, sustainability and innovation can be taken for granted.

With contributions from: Andrea Bruno, Bollinger + Grohmann Ingenieure, Markus Feldmann, Federico Mazzolani, Gerard O’Sullivan, Francis Rambert, Alexander Reichel, Llwellyn van Wyk

The reader will find additional information in the annex and on an enclosed DVD, containing AM brochures as well as a video about the Steel making processes.

Buy 'featuring steel - resources, architecture reflections' online on the website of DETAIL (see link on the right), where you can also browse through the book.

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